A solution to recognize incoming data files received daily by the tens and arriving in varying templates and formats, to extract all relevant data from within them, to structure, standardize and validate - all automatically.
Our solutions are cost-effective, lean and scoped to meet specific needs.
Our building blocks are platforms and libraries - many open-source and free - that are mature, secure and ready to be a part in a whole.
We've selected a few examples to get your thoughts rolling.
A solution to recognize incoming data files received daily by the tens and arriving in varying templates and formats, to extract all relevant data from within them, to structure, standardize and validate - all automatically.
A solution to seamlessly combine datasets from different sources that are continually and independently evolving; to combine them using matching algorithms into one centralized and auditable repository - to build broader context.
A solution to effectively reduce a real-world scenario down into a common computer science problem - the Subset Sum Problem to balance control and test sets - and to solve with an optimized approach - to harness the power of mathematics.
A solution to extract patterns and aggregated trends from a dataset and display in visually inspiring diagrams that are interactive and dynamically connected to their data source, using one of the more popular free visualization libraries - to understand the data.
A solution to forecast expectations based on the historical dataset whose characteristics have been analyzed and whose characteristic combinations' strength quantified - through gradient boosting regression - using machine learning and rich mathematical libraries - to leverage the past.